Tobacco and Art

Tobacco and Art

Many are the ways that take you to Rome, and many are the paintings that lead to smoke.

Throughout history, starting from the pre- Colombian Maya civilization smoking was recorded, as something important in their rituals, culture and most importantly with sacred activity that godesses were related performed.

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Epic personality, epic actors, epic tobacco

Epic personality, epic actors, epic tobacco

The idea of watching a movie is always cool, even if you have company to watch it or if you are alone at home eating some popcorn under your blankets; there are scenes that inmortalize characters and make you look beyond to find what makes them so special in real life.

This is why we choose Jack Nicholson, actor, director, writer; he has been in acting for more than 60 years, this month, april 22th will be his birthday, another reason to celebrate all he has done.

Interpreting one of the most famous villans – Joker in Batman- and the symbol of the counterculture -Easy Rider he has build himself to be, art collector, playboy and womanizer and a famous smoker. Above all an exceptional actor who has turned his characters into icons of cinema and who, with twelve candidacies to the Oscars, is the most nominated interpreter in history.

These are some of his “faces” you probably remember most:

The Joker

As Good As It Gets

The Shinning

There is also something most people remember is Jack Nicholson´s taste for tobacco, specially for Montecristo. His famous picture can tell us more about this brand.

Montecristo one of the best known Habanos in the world, it is a for other habanos to be benchmarked in their quality and taste te vitola or band. Is also  great classic and, probably, the most traditional brand of the market, the one that has suffered the least variations in recent years and one of the best known in the world. As general characteristics, Montecristo has always been considered strong, with great aroma and flavor, as well as guarantee of quality and perseverance. That is why Montecristo are made for people like Jack, like you… Consider trying just to feel as an epic actor.

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