Florida Tobacco Shop provides you the best cigars to enjoy this summer without having to worry about the hot weather. Enjoying an excellent cigar during summer is the last thing that comes to most individual’s minds because of the weather. With that said, these 3 cigars are designed with good flavors and a relaxing smoke that makes the heat less intense.
Summertime Cigar #3: Prime Time Little Cigars Watermelon 50Ct Box
Also known as cigarillos, prime time little cigars pack sufficient watermelon flavor in the small sized casing. The cigar has quality filters, and its watermelon flavor is exciting. Get to enjoy your summer vacation with the relaxing smoke from prime time little cigars. The cigars enable you to have a quick smoke break while puffing for those who love pipe tobacco or cigars. You won’t have to trim the end of the cigar while lighting it since it has been designed with highly efficient filters. The cigars come with airtight wrappers that are meant to keep them fresh all the time. Primetime little cigars are the perfect alternative to traditional cigars. The individual wrappings keep them safe and intact making them easy to transport.
Summertime Cigar #2: Deans Large Filtered Cigars Peach
Dean’s large filtered cigars are rapidly becoming popular among cigar users. The cigar comes with a 30 mm filters each designed in a cork style. The smoke’s outer covering consists of paper that is appealing and resembles the cover of milk chocolate. Dean’s large filtered cigars are having peach flavor come with a wrapper that has been slightly sweetened. The sweetening of the wrappers helps in enhancing the taste of the cigars making them turn on your taste buds. Enjoy your summertime keeping it fresh with Dean’s. The thick white smoke emitted from the cigar gives you the best experience during your summer vacation. Peach flavored Dean’s large filtered cigar could make a significant difference between having a good time and a great one. Enjoy your much-needed break from office while grilling this perfectly designed cigar. Relieve some of the intense summer heat by relaxing under a tree and enjoy your Dean’s large filtered cigar this summer. Another reason to why you should consider this cigar this season is the fact that the peach flavor is purely natural.
Summertime Cigar #1: Red Buck Cigarillos Summer Festival Strawberry 15/4 Pouch Pre-Priced
Red Buck Filtered Cigarillos are designed for individuals who love a little unique and little exciting cigars. The cigars give you something new and enticing to try out this summer. The strawberry flavored cigars has been made with high-quality tobaccos. The cigars come designed as either soft or hard-tipped cigars. The cigars come in a variety that has been individualized into your particular taste. You’ve the choice of either buying one or the whole box of red buck cigars. Enjoy your summer time with red buck cigarillos and get that unforgettable experience.
Summertime always goes too fast, maximize your summer holiday by enjoying one of the best cigars from the Florida Tobacco Shop. Take good care of your cigars and remember to take all the necessary supplies with you. Don’t forget to keep your cigar safe from water or any other place where humidity is high. Happy summer time and enjoy your smoking.
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