The Benefits of Smoking Little Cigars

One of the most pleasurable experiences is stretching out in your favorite chair at the end of a busy day and lighting up a cigar! But what about those times when you don’t have the 30 to 40 minutes necessary to really relax and savor a full-sized premium cigar? Consider smoking little cigars, also known as ‘cigarillos’. If a full-sized cigar can be compared to a gourmet entrée, then a little cigar can best be described as a satisfying snack in the world of smoking. And there are many benefits to investing in a stash of little cigars to have handy at any hour of the day or night.

One of the primary benefits to smoking little cigars are their affordability, especially here at Florida Tobacco Shop. Most little cigars are crafted using machines rather than by hand, making them a more economical way to enjoy a quality cigar.

Another great benefit to smoking them is their convenience. As I mentioned earlier, you may find yourself with 5 or 10 minutes in between appointments, or want to cap off your lunch hour with a smoke, and the quick pleasure of lighting up a little cigar in your favorite flavor is something you can enjoy in a short amount of time.

The affordable price of little cigars also makes it possible for smokers to share them with friends without breaking their budget.

Little cigars are also a great way to get a taste of cigar smoking without committing to investing in larger and more premium-priced full-size cigars. They provide smokers with a more flavorful alternative to cigarettes and many full fledged cigar smokers admit that they were first introduced to cigar smoking when a friend offered them a cigarillo.

Many women prefer to smoke little cigars because smoking them looks more feminine and doesn’t require as much of an investment of time or money as premium full size cigars.

And one of the best benefits to smoking little cigars is that it’s a smoking pleasure that can be enjoyed at any hour of the day or night, alone or with friends.


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