taste is not one of the most powerful senses in the human being, it is of vital
importance. Through it, we perceive the flavors of food and other substances
that we consume, without the enjoyment of which, life would be less pleasant.
the taste buds located on the tongue are the key receptors to recognize and
perceive flavors, when we smoke a cigar, the sense of taste combines with that
of smell, allowing the flavors to develop and accentuate more. In this way, our
ability to identify and taste the very varied and sometimes complex flavors
present in a quality cigar is enhanced.
Although a
person can perceive an immense number of different flavors, what he really
detects are combinations of only five basic flavors: sour, sweet, salty, bitter
and umami. Of course, not all flavors are necessarily perceived when smoking a
cigar, since it will depend on the type of tobacco that is being tasted and how
easy it is for the smoker to detect them. But, in general terms, we could say
that, in a quality cigar, it is possible to perceive a harmonic combination of
flavors, some of which are not easy to describe.
Let's look
at some of the most common, but not before clarifying that to taste a cigar,
the smells present in the smoke that emanates from it are of the utmost
importance, because the smell is capable of perceiving hundreds of aromas,
which undoubtedly enriches the experience.
or chocolate: these
are basic flavors typical of tobacco leaves, although some are more caramelized
and others are more toasted. These flavors appeal to many smokers and in some
way explain the success of many Nicaraguan cigars, which have made their way
into international markets due, in part, to their sweet and chocolatey flavors.
wood or leather:
these flavors, very common to find, are a reflection of the components of the
soil where the tobacco plants were grown. Sometimes they are combined with
woods such as cedars, oaks and eucalyptus, as well as other deeper plant
flavors of moss and grass.
Spicy: these are flavors related to herbs
and cooking spices such as cinnamon, anise, cloves, pepper and nutmeg. These
flavors are usually detected in intense and strong cigars, such as the
legendary Montecristo.
and dried fruits:
the flavors of fresh fruits are not very frequent to find, although they can be
present above all in a subtle way and at the end of the smoke. However, in many
cigars it is possible to detect various flavors of nuts, in particular almonds
and peanuts.
We cannot
fail to mention that to fully taste a cigar it is necessary to wait until the
end to have the experience of what is known as an aftertaste; a term that
refers to the enjoyment of flavors that persist even after you have finished
exhaling the final smoke.
You were
wrong if you thought that to enjoy a tasty cigar it was enough to light it and
smoke it. But don't worry because you can learn to develop your palate.
Instagram: @florida_tobaccoshop