Cherokee Filtered Cigars are now ready to be ship
Cherokee Filtered Cigars are a new king of filtered cigars that recently came into the market. These little filtered cigars were initially only available in the Indian Reservations across the country and slowly started to show up in distributors across the nation.

Now they have gotten a nice following and are starting to be seen in more places across the nation. Cherokee Filtered Cigars are available in soft packs and come in flavors like Full Flavor, Menthol, Light, Grape, Cherry, Strawberry, and Vanilla.

Now Cherokee Also has other Products they sell like Filter Cigarette Tubes, Pipe Tobacco and other Electronic Smoking Devices. For now we have only added the Filtered Cigars to our catalog.

We also have a large selection of Little Cigars like Captain Black Little Cigars, Winchester Little Cigars, Prime Time Little Cigars and much more. 

Be sure to check out our cigar to find more and enjoy the savings.

Lesmy Jacomino

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