Arturo Fuente Cigars

The renowned Arturo Fuente cigar brand is a world benchmark for the tobacco industry. Many of its cigars have been ranked among the best in the world, and in its nearly 110 years since its inception, the firm has amassed a loyal following who seek to delight in its unsurpassed flavor and quality.

The factory was created in 1912 by the Cuban immigrant Arturo Fuente, who arrived from the island of Cuba and settled in Tampa, Florida, after the Spanish-American War. At that time he was one of the almost 200 cigar manufacturers located in that city, who imported tobacco from the Caribbean island. In just 12 years ?after a modest start in the back of his house where he made cigars with the help of his wife and two sons? it had grown into a 500-worker company, but by the end of 1924 it caught fire in the facilities and stopped producing until 1946, when they managed to recover from the losses, and the Great Depression and World War II had ended.

That year, in conditions quite similar to those of 1912, they restarted production and in 1958 the ownership of the company passed into the hands of one of the sons, who seeks to expand the business in a very difficult market because smokers were loyal to the traditional brands and were very reluctant to try new brands, which changed substantially after the US embargo on Cuba in 1960.

From that moment, driven by restrictions on imports of cigars from the island, the company began a slow but sustained growth until reaching the current prestige of being one of the most acclaimed manufacturers of premium hand-rolled cigars outside of Cuba.  This achievement was possible through productive strategies focused on the elaboration of a very high quality artisan tobacco. Among those, for example, obtaining the best tobaccos to have excellent leaves for wrapping, binder and filler, many of which are grown today on the farm owned by the family in the Dominican Republic, a country where after four generations and countless obstacles to overcome, the company that continues to be owned by the Fuente operates successfully.

Today, Arturo Fuente cigars encompass a highly rated portfolio of world-class blends including the original Hemingway line and the highly regarded Don Carlos, both with excellent varieties available in our store. They also make cigars from other recognized brands such as Ashton, also available in the store.


Instagram: @florida_tobaccoshop


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