Al Capone Cigarillos
Al Capone Cigars are not just premium, they’re one of the most famous cigar brands—made to be supreme. Worthy of the name, Al Capone cigarillos and cigars are second to none. Premium tobacco is hand-rolled in a natural tobacco leaf wrapper in Honduras. Each cigarillo and cigar is crafted to be worthy of those who demand more from their products in the moment. Explore the different flavors of Al Capone offering products dipped in cognac or rum.
These are filled with tobacco from Nicaragua and feature a dark Brazilian wrapper. They are medium-strength Slims that come with a sweet, robust flavor you’ll find hard to beat. Named after arguably the most notorious, infamous gangster of the Prohibition era, Al Capone cigarillos are developed with the utmost care, from the planting of the seeds to the harvesting and rolling of the Nicaraguan filler tobacco.
Cigarillos are short, narrow cigars that are easy to carry and easier to smoke than a larger, full-sized cigar, making an excellent choice for an everyday smoke. They are the perfect size and an ideal introduction to cigars that come in a wide variety of rich flavors and quality levels. We are proud to introduce those that want to try one of the finest mild cigarillos on the market in its price range to Al Capone rum-flavored cigarillos. Try what is destined to become a new favorite of yours right here at Florida Tobacco Shop.
Make that smoking moment supreme. Make it authentic. Make it your own.